(2:50 p.m.)
With school back in full swing, more citizens are out and about in our community on bicycles, skateboards, scooters and rollerblades/in-line skates.
Halifax Regional Police reminds citizens that they are required under the Motor Vehicle Act to wear a securely fastened helmet while participating in any of these wheeled activities on streets, sidewalks and public spaces. Over the past several years, HRM Partners in Policing have participated in a variety of educational campaigns to change behaviour, increase compliance with the mandatory helmet law and decrease head injuries. While police continue to educate citizens on the rules of the road, we must also enforce the law.
Since the start of the school year, police have issued more than 15 Summary Offence Tickets, on the Halifax Peninsula alone, to individuals not wearing a helmet while skateboarding or riding a bicycle. Theses tickets carry a fine of $141.16 for a first offence.
Wear a helmet: it protects your noggin, prevents injuries and saves lives.