Crosswalk Safety Action Day is Nov. 29



The Halifax Regional Municipality is once again reminding drivers and pedestrians to practise safe crosswalk actions on Crosswalk Safety Action Day next Wednesday.

This year’s theme is “Let’s do more than talk about crosswalks.”

“Crosswalk Safety Action Day is a great time to think about what we can all do to reduce collisions,” said Bruce Zvaniga, director of Transportation and Public Works for the municipality. “As part of our overall Pedestrian Safety Action Plan, we are reminding motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians about our shared responsibility to practise safe crosswalk habits by doing more than just talking.”

Research shows that although more than 80 per cent of residents say they’re committed to crosswalk safety, more than half admit to driving or crossing the street while distracted. It’s time to take action to reduce distractions and collisions.

On Wednesday morning, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., volunteers will promote Crosswalk Safety Action Day using hand held signs at pre-determined crosswalks throughout the municipality. Along with providing tips on crosswalk safety, volunteers will also be handing out Heads Up Halifax toques. For location information visit

Residents can win an iPad by sharing their tips and personal examples of crosswalk safety on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Use the hashtag #headsuphalifax and #contest. Participants have until Dec. 4 to enter. Visit for more information, including official contest rules.

Heads Up Halifax and Crosswalk Safety Action Day both launched in 2014 as the public education element of the municipality’s Pedestrian Safety Action Plan.