(11:10 a.m.)
Four people face charges in connection with a break and enter/robbery Sunday night in Dartmouth.
At 11 p.m. officers responded to two calls on Victoria Road. The first call was in the 100 block regarding a man carrying a handgun and the second call was of a robbery in the 200 block. Investigators believe the calls were connected. No one was located in the 100 block and when officers approached the apartment door in connection to the robbery call, they were met by two masked men attempting to leave, one of whom was carrying a handgun. The apartment was quickly secured and a loaded handgun was located. Police arrested three men and one male youth without incident. There were two men and two women inside the apartment at the time of the incident. One of the suspects touched one of the women in a sexual manner. While this was a very traumatic incident, neither she nor the other victims required treatment for any injuries.
Twenty-four-year-old Randall Channing Thomas, 19-year-old Justin Michael Joseph Smith, 18-year-old Markeem Vadell Grant and a 16-year-old male youth each face the following charges:
Section 348(1)(b) CC - Break and Enter
Section 344(1)(a.1) CC - Robbery with Firearm
Section 351(2) - Wearing a Disguise
Section 279(2) CC - Unlawful Confinement (4 counts)
Section 86(1) CC - Careless Use of a Firearm
Section 86(2) CC - Unsafe Storage/Handling Contrary to Regulations
Section 87(1) CC - Pointing a Firearm (4 counts)
Section 88 CC - Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose
Section 90 CC - Carrying a Concealed Weapon
Section 92(1) CC - Possession of a Firearm Knowing it is Unauthorized
Section 95 CC - Possession of a Prohibited Firearm with Ammunition
Section 96 CC - Possession of a Weapon Obtained by the Commission of an Offence
Randall Thomas faces additional charges of sexual assault and possession of stolen property, Justin Smith faces an additional charge of possession of stolen property and Markeem Grant faces additional charges of breaching his probation. All four people are scheduled to appear in court today. Investigators believe this incident was drug related and wasn’t random.