PLANAPP 2024-01000 - 1110 Wilderness Drive, Portuguese Cove



Application by Bernd Stolz to amend Schedule E – Areas Subject to Reduced Road Frontage of the Chebucto Peninsula (Planning District 5) Land Use By-law to allow the issuance of a permit for a single unit dwelling at 1110 Wilderness Drive, Portuguese Cove.


The applicant wishes to construct a single unit dwelling at 1110 Wilderness Drive, Portuguese Cove.  The lot was created in 2010 through the exemption in the HRM Charter which allows the creation of parcels with an area greater than 10-hectares (25 acres) to be created without municipal subdivision approval.  This exemption from the lot approval process was originally intended for resource uses such as farming or forestry.  However, this exemption in the HRM Charter has become commonly used to create lots for residential purposes. A development permit cannot be issued unless the requirements of the Land Use By-law are met. Section 9.2 of the Land Use By-law states that lots in the R-6 zone (the applied zone) must have 100ft of frontage in order for a Development Permit to be issued. There are sections of the Land Use By-law that relax the road frontage requirement, but it only applies to lots that either existed prior to the land use bylaw (in this case, February 9th, 1995), or, are shown on Schedule E – Areas Subject to Reduced Road Frontage, as per section 4.7 of the Land Use By-law. The subject property, 1100 Wilderness Drive, does not meet either of these two requirements.

An application has been received to amended Schedule E – Areas Subject to Reduced Road Frontage of the Chebucto Peninsula (Planning District 5) Land Use By-law to include 1110 Wilderness Drive, Portuguese Cove so that a permit can be issued for a single unit dwelling.


The application will be considered under the Land Use By-law Amendment process.


The initial review stage for this application has been completed and we are now in the community engagement stage. The application will be open for comment until September 27th, 2024. If you have any questions or comments, please provide them to the Planner at the contact information below.  Once the engagement period is complete, Staff will draft a report for review and consideration by the Halifax and West Community Council.

Documents Submitted for Evaluation

The applicant has submitted a letter with the requesting the amend Schedule E – Areas Subject to Reduced Road Frontage of the Chebucto Peninsula (Planning District 5) Land Use By-law.

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Thea Langille

Manager of Planning Applications

Current Planning

Telephone: 902.476.0671

Mailing Address

HRM Planning Applications

PO Box: 1749,


Nova Scotia,

B3J 3A5

Attention: Thea Langille