Police have charged a taxi driver with sexual assault in relation to an incident that occurred last week in Halifax.
On August 18, at approximately 12:30 a.m., a 39-year-old woman and her friend got into a cab on Lower Water Street in the area of Historic Properties. They travelled in the cab to her Parkland Drive destination, and upon exiting the cab, the driver reached out and grabbed her buttocks. When she informed the driver that this was inappropriate, he apologized for his actions, refused payment and quickly left the area.
Police received information about the identity of the taxi driver on August 27. Investigators contacted him and he was arrested after he turned himself in at Police Headquarters yesterday afternoon. The 32-year-old Halifax man has been released from custody under conditions and his taxi driver license has been suspended. He will return to Halifax Provincial Court on October 8 to face a charge of sexual assault.