As a follow-up to Wednesday’s Board of Police Commissioners' meeting, Halifax Regional Police (HRP) and Halifax District RCMP are releasing the 2014 third quarter crime statistics. Overall, crime is up (+5.85) when comparing the third quarter of 2014 to the same period in 2013.
Violent crime is down slightly (-0.14), with an increase in attempted murders and decreases in robberies and assaults. Property crime is up marginally (+2.79), with increases in theft over $5000, possession of stolen good and frauds, and decreases in break and enters, thefts of motor vehicle and thefts under $5000.
When comparing the year-to-date statistics in 2014 to the same period last year, overall crime is up 2.08 per cent, with a decrease in violent crime (-7.23%) and an increase in property crime (+2.36).
HRP and Halifax District RCMP remain committed to our crime reduction model of policing which, over the last several years, has enabled us to see either decreases in crime or only marginal increases.