Police officer facing criminal charges identified
The Halifax Regional Police officer facing criminal charges as a result of an incident on November 27 near New Minas has been identified.
At 10:09 p.m., New Minas RCMP conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle driven by the off-duty HRP officer. As a result of their investigation, the officer is facing charges of impaired driving and having a blood alcohol level that exceeds the legal limit.
Earlier today, the information against 48-year-old Cst. Blair William Hickey was sworn before the courts. Cst. Hickey, who has been with the department for 22 years, is scheduled to appear in Kentville Provincial Court on February 2, 2015. He remains suspended with pay pending the outcome of this matter. Under the Nova Scotia Police Act, officers suspended must receive pay and allowances for at least 60 days during their suspension. After 60 days, the Chief of Police can make a determination as to whether the suspension will be with or without pay thereafter.