As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, HRM Partners in Policing, Halifax Regional Municipality and local celebrities have come together to speak out on violence against women.
The ‘Be more than a bystander’ videocampaign sees participants speaking to other men about the importance of being more than just a bystander when it comes to violence against women. The campaign was introduced by Halifax Regional Police in 2012 and included messages from local celebrities such as musician, Joel Plaskett and Rainmen Basketball Team Owner, Andre Levingston.
This year, the RCMP joined on as a partner and new messages were added from Halifax Regional Municipality Mayor, Mike Savage, the HRP/RCMP Integrated Sexual Assault Investigation Team’s Sgt. Mark Hobeck and Cst. Isabelle Jacques of Halifax RCMP.
“The campaign is about empowering each of us to be more than a bystander and take action when it comes to abusive attitudes and behaviours early on, before they have the chance to escalate to violence,” says S/Sgt. Scott MacDonald,HRM Public Safety Officer . “This campaign is about educating citizens, but also targeting our messages to the people who are committing these crimes.”
The ‘Be more than a bystander’ video campaign ads can be found at .