An incident in Halifax yesterday morning resulted in an officer being injured while attempting to arrest a man.
At 10:42 a.m., an officer on beat patrol observed an unattended vehicle parked in a bus stop in front of 6009 Quinpool Road. As the officer was writing a parking ticket, the owner of the vehicle exited a nearby building and became irate with the officer, yelling and refusing to cooperate. The officer radioed for back up and a number of officers attended the scene to provide assistance. The man refused to cooperate and was subsequently advised that he would be arrested for causing a disturbance. While the officers were attempting to place the man in handcuffs, he actively resisted their attempts to arrest him. During the struggle, a 37-year-old officer sustained a broken forearm and was transported to hospital for treatment. He has since been released from hospital and is recovering at home.
A 37-year-old Halifax man faces criminal charges of resisting arrest and causing a disturbance. He has been released from custody and will appear in Halifax Provincial Court on December 31. He was also served with a Summary Offence Ticket under section 146(2) of the Motor Vehicle Act for parking at a bus stop. This ticket carries a fine of $60.55 upon conviction.