(1:30 p.m.)
Halifax Regional Police (HRP) is pleased to introduce our new Public Information Officer.
Constable Pierre Bourdages replaces Constable Brian Palmeter in the media liaison role effective today. Cst. Bourdages has been with HRP for six years working in the patrol division. Before joining HRP, he served 16 years in the Canadian Forces where he deployed to the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and twice to Bosnia Herzegovina. In 2010, Cst. Bourdages served with the RCMP International Police Operation Branch (IPOB) in Haiti with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) where he provided mentoring and support to the Haitian National Police force.
Cst. Bourdages is fluent in both official languages and available for interviews in English and French. The contact numbers for the Public Information Officer remain the same (desk 490-5154 and cell 456-1688). Cst. Bourdages can also be reached by email at