May has been proclaimed Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and HRM Partners in Policing remind all drivers that motorcycle traffic will increase on Nova Scotia roads during the warmer months and to drive safely.
We encourage riders to work together with motorists to share the roadway for everyone’s safety and to follow these safety tips
- Take the Safety Services Nova Scotia Motorcycle Training Course
- Claim your lane - ride in a position that will allow all motorists to see you
- Wear bright gear and a helmet. Ultimately, you want to see and be seen
- Ride the posted speed limit (50 km/h maximum in all cities, towns and villages)
- Adjust your speed for road and weather conditions (i.e. fog, gravel, pot holes, etc.)
- When riding at night, keep a watchful eye for small animals that may be on the road
- Be prepared for the unexpected, ride both within your limits and the speed limit
- When riding with others, ride in a staggered formation
There were 11 motorcycle fatalities in Nova Scotia last year. In 2013, 4,500 new motorcyclists were licensed in the province. There are more than 30,000 currently motorcycles registered in Nova Scotia.
HRM Partners in Policing hope these motorcycle safety tips will help keep you safe this season.