March vehicle/pedestrian collision stats



Halifax Regional Police (HRP) and Halifax District RCMP release a monthly vehicle/pedestrian collision report to provide police and citizens with more contextual information on this issue.

During the month of March, there were 20 vehicle/pedestrian collisions in Halifax. Month over month, this represents an increase (+3 incidents) from the 17 incidents reported in February 2017 (this was previously reported as 16 incidents but one additional incident was recorded that wasn’t previously coded as a vehicle/pedestrian collision). Year over year, there was an increase (+9 incidents) from the 11 incidents reported in March of 2016.

For January 1- March 31, 2017, 72 per cent (43 incidents) of vehicle/pedestrian collisions occurred in crosswalks. Of the 62 pedestrians involved:

16 reported no injury 29 experienced minor injuries 6 experienced moderate injuries 11 did not report their injuries to police The full monthly report, which includes a summary of the vehicle pedestrian collisions, location by HRP division and RCMP area, pedestrian and driver characteristics, and the summary offence tickets issued, is available online at: