Investigators in the Financial Crime Unit of the Integrated Criminal Investigation Division have arrested a man in relation to a fraud scheme that occurred in Halifax this month.
The incidents involved a man approaching people on the streets of Peninsular Halifax and providing a story that he was having trouble making a deposit to his bank account. He then asked them to go to a nearby bank to deposit a sealed envelope, allegedly containing either a cheque or cash, into their own bank account, withdraw money and provide it to him. It was later learned that the deposit envelope provided to them by the man was empty, and the unsuspecting citizens were out money. Police received 13 complaints of this nature between July 1-26.
Earlier today, investigators in the Financial Crime Unit arrested a man at a Gottingen Street address in relation to these incidents. The 30-year-old man is scheduled to appear in Halifax Provincial Court this afternoon to face 13 counts of fraud under $5,000 and 13 counts of breaching an undertaking.
People are encouraged not to make a bank deposit on behalf of someone they don’t know into their own bank account and/or to feel obligated to give a stranger money. If people feel pressured or intimidated into give money, they should leave the area and call 9-1-1 immediately. Circumstances involving fraudulent activity similar to that described above should be reported to police immediately by calling 902-490-5020. Anyone who has been the victim of a similar incident that has yet to be reported to police is asked to contact police at 902-490-5016.
A list of the 13 incidents can be found at