(1 p.m.)
Today, the Nova Scotia Criminal Justice Association awarded Constable Kathryn Willett of Halifax Regional Police with the 2012 John Dunlop Memorial Award.
John Dunlop was a Regional Supervisor with Correctional Services, Province of Nova Scotia. He passed away in 1977 at age 42, and is remembered for his active interest in and dedication to young people, community programs and sports in Halifax and Truro. He was extremely active in the Atlantic Provinces Criminology and Corrections Association and worked for ten years in the criminal justice system in Nova Scotia. Since 1977, the Association has been honouring a member of the criminal justice system by presenting this Award in memory of John Dunlop.
Cst. Willett was selected as the recipient of this award for being heavily involved with youth in Demetreous Lane while she was a Community Response Officer in the area. Over a four year period, she, along with another officer, was instrumental in a number of community initiatives, including assisting with the implementation of a community garden and food bank for the area, creating a learn-to-swim program, a skate drive, literacy program, summer recreation program and leadership program, all of which were targeted at local youth.
On her own time, Cst. Willett recently became involved with ‘Me to We,’ a humanitarian organization that strives to provide people with better choices for a better world, after learning about it from a fellow police officer. As a result, Cst. Willett and her 13-year-old daughter travelled to Ghana, Africa earlier this year with other chaperones and youth from Nova Scotia to help build a school. Cst. Willett and her daughter continue to be involved with ‘Me to We,’ and are already planning their next trip.
Halifax Regional Police commends Cst. Willett on receiving the prestigious John Dunlop Memorial Award. We’re very proud of everything she has accomplished and continues to undertake in her current role as Community Response Officer of North Dartmouth. Congratulations, Cst. Willett!