HRP & Halifax District RCMP upgrading to Trunked Mobile Radio 2 and introducing encryption
Over the next several weeks, Halifax Regional Police (HRP) and Halifax District RCMP are moving to a second generation trunked radio system, better known as TMR2. At the same time, radio encryption will be introduced.
We’re upgrading to TMR2 because, after many years of reliable service, the current Trunked Radio System (TMR or TMR1) is at its end-of-life from a technology and product perspective. As a result, the Province of Nova Scotia is moving to a new, state-of-the-art radio communications network for public safety known as TMR2. The implementation of the fully-digital TMR2 radio system infrastructure is now underway and is scheduled to be complete by June 2015.
Halifax Regional Police and Halifax District RCMP are both a part of this transition, and our respective project teams have been working hard to smoothly transition to TMR2. We expect to be fully migrated to TMR2 by mid-April. The benefits of TMR2 include enhanced reliability, improved radio coverage, and an increased number of channels for our officers to use.
At the same time as the transition to TMR2, Halifax Regional Police and Halifax District RCMP are introducing voice encryption. This means that the public and media will no longer be able to hear the majority of police radio transmissions by scanner and/or online. This change enhances both public and officer safety, protects the security and integrity of police operations and assists us in upholding privacy legislation.
HRP and Halifax District RCMP remain committed to open and forthright communication through traditional and social media to help keep citizens and media informed about crime and public safety issues in our community.